There are two things you need to know in order to fold your freshly laundered bedsheets into happy little packages waiting to be opened next time you change the sheets.
- You need adequate space. A big clean bed is great; the floor or kitchen table will work too if they are clean.
- It doesn’t have to be perfect. Flawless is for people who have all day to spend folding sheets. Pretty is good enough for the rest of us.
I’m going to show you 4 different methods, but the difference is in how you fold the pillow case. So either way, you’ll need to start at step one.
Step One: Fold the fitted sheet in half, wrong sides together. Tuck the elastic corners inside each other.
Step two: Fold it in half again, tucking the elastic corners inside each other once more. Lay out on bed or table and smooth into a nice square or rectangle (depending on the size of your sheet).
Step 3: Fold fitted sheet into thirds lengthwise.
For large sheet sets you may want to fold it into fourths instead. If so, fold the top quarter down and the bottom quarter up and then in half so that there are no exposed edges
Step 4: Now fold in thirds the other way.
Step 6: Fold your flat sheet to be the same size as your fitted sheet. Stack together.
Step 7: Fold your pillowcase.
Method 1: Place the sheets inside the pillowcase and fold the excess pillow case under.
Method 2: Fold the pillowcase in thirds lengthwise and then wrap across the stacked sheets.
Method 3: Simply fold the pillowcase and place on top of the sheets
Method 4: Fold the pillowcase lengthwise to make it the same width as your folded sheets. Wrap around both sheets creating a nice smooth front to display in your linen closet.
The second method is my favorite. My Daughter says it looks like a little present for her bed!